Mr. Olaf HoffmannPresident, CEO and President, Dorsch Holding GmbH
H.E. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Jassim Bin Mohammad Al Thani1st Vice President, Chairman Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry

H.E. Dr. Ali bin Ibrahim AL-MalkiDep. Secretary General for Economic Affairs League of Arab States

Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer2nd Vice President Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Managing Partner MACONSO GmbH
H.E. Dr. Khaled HanafySecretary General Union of Arab Chambers
H.E. Sameer Abdulla NassChairman Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry President of Union of Arab Chambers
Mr. Ralph NitzgenTreasurer

H.E. Khalil Al Hajj ToufiqChairman Jordan Chamber of Commerce Ghorfa 3rd Vice President
Dr. Florian AmerellerFounding Partner Amereller Legal Consultants
Mr. Herbert GrünwaldOwner HGC Grünwald Consulting
Prof. Dr. Christian AdersChairman of the Executive Board / ValueTrust Financial Advisors / ParkView Partners GmbH
Mr. Abdulla Sultan Mohamed Al OwaisChairman Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Dr. Ralf GilgenChairman of the Board / Dornier Group GmbH
H.E. Mohammed Abdu SaeedChairman Federation of Yemen Chambers of Commerce & Industry

Mr. Frank HaehnigManaging Director and CEO, BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH
Mr. Saadi SaihoodRepresentative,Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Chairman, Raban Al-Safina for Energy Projects (RASEP)

Dr. Murad M. DaghlesPartner / White & Case LLP
Dr. Elisabeth HauschildSenior Vice President External Affairs Diehl Stiftung & Co. KG
H.E. Mohamed Abulhuda LahhamChairman Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce
Mr. Marcus HöflCEO MHM Majors GmbH
H.E. Cheikh El Avia Ould Mohamed KhounaChairman Mauritania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

Mr. Jürgen HogrefeChairman h.c. hogrefe Consult
Mr. Hichem ElloumiVice President Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce & traditional industries
Mr. Mohamed El-Masry1st Vice President Federation of the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce

Mr. Sven LuthardtManaging Partner /Luthardt GmbH
Dr. Amin Abbas MahmoudSecretary General Sudanese Businessmen & Employers Federation
Mr. Nizar MaaroufManaging Partner / 7pat GmbH
Mr. Mohamed SalehPresident Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Sidon and South Lebanon

Mr. Tobias MaierCFO DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa and CFO Saloodo! Middle East & Africa / Deutsche Post DHL Group

Mr. Khaled SharbatlyRepresentative, Federation of Saudi Chambers
Dr. Sylvia PauligCEO Paulig Eye Clinic
Eng. Dhary Al-OtaishanVice President Saudi - German Business Council
Dr. Holger BingmannCEO Thinking Arabian GmbH

Eng. Khaled Al ShehriRepresentative, Federation of Saudi Chambers

Mr. Joachim ScharesManaging Partner AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH
Dr. Khalid bin Klefeekh Al HajriBoard Member Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Mr. Ralf SchusterHead of Banks Non-OECD Countries Helaba – Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen

Mr. Mohamed Bin Ahmed Al ObaidlyBoard Member Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Mr. Nouri Said BelmedrekChairman Igilgili Chamber of Commerce and Industry Representative, Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Wolf R. SchwippertAttorney at Law Schwippert Law Office

Eng. Salah El-GehaniRepresentative General Union of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture in Libya

Mr. Dietmar SiersdorferManaging Director Middle East Siemens Energy
Mr. Mohamed Abdellahi YahaRepresentative Mauritania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Chairman, Mauritanie Logistique S.A. (Maurilog)
Dr. Philipp StompfeStompfe International Law Firm
Mr. Saeb NahasPresident Nahas Enterprises Group

Mr. Uwe StupperichCEO – Shareholder / M.G. International (Holding) GmbH
Mr. Sven HeiningerDirector International Sana Kliniken AG

Mr. Khalid Mohamed NajibiFirst Vice Chairman Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Dr. Volker TreierDeputy Chief Executive Officer Head of Division International/ AHK DIHK

H .E. Lahoucine AlayouaChairman Federation of Moroccan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services

Count Benedikt von Dürckheim-MontmartinCEO Saxony Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Mr. Friedrich BieseltManaging Director, Lincoln International AG

H.E. Toufic Dabbousi Chairman Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Tripoli & North Lebanon

Mr. Stefan GeispergerManaging Director, DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH

H.E. Youssouf Moussa DawalehChairman Djibouti Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Dieter Walter HallerManaging Director, Haller Consult GmbH

Mr. Jan IjspeertCEO, BAE Batterien GmbH

Eng. Hammoud Salem Al-Saadi2ed Vice Chairman Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr. Matti JäkelCFO, Bilfinger SE

Ms. Maryam MamozaiAttorney at Law, MM-LEGALE-RAin & Avv

Mr. Moritz ManzelManaging Director, DFS Aviation Services Bahrain WLL

Eng. Amir Nader RiadBoard Member Cairo Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Jonas MichaelisChief Strategy Officer, Qvest Group GmbH

Mr. Helmut von StruveCEO, Siemens Industrial LLC